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WillModern - Mid Century Modern

  /  Shelterwood   /  Energy Efficient

Energy Efficient


I made this home as energy efficient as possible.  Five major changes to help keep utilities as low as possible. From windows, insulation, roof to HVAC, all have been replaced:

1.  The new windows are double paned giving 1/2″ of LowE insulated glass on every opening.  Commercial aluminum frames were used and installed by Binswanger Glass.

2.  Icynene Foam insulation was used in all wall and ceiling cavities.  This type of insulation gives  the best R-value as well as the best  sound barrier creating a more comfortable interior.

3.  Solar Cool Roof.  This new roof should decrease energy bills by 30%.  This is an all white roof with high reflective value to keep the inside as cool as possible.  In additon to the efficiency, the roof has a 30 year no-leak warranty by the installer, Heat Shield Solutions.

4.  We now have 2 new complete HVAC systems including all ductwork. We added a second zone for better efficiency  Now the house cools off completely in just minutes!

5.  Since all the plumbing is new, I decided to upgrade to a tankless hot water system powerful enough to give hot water throughout the house simultaneously.

All of these things will hopefully make  very low monthly utility expenses.